News: (2nd Qtr 2015)

MISC LNG vessel Puteri Delima Satu boiler tube inspection at Keppel, Singapore was carried out successfully for Alfa Laval, Singapore 2nd inspection for Eco Green, Batam, Indonesia  was carried out in Indonesia  ABS successfully Fire Tube Boiler inspection at PT. BMJ, Indonesia  was carried out successfully Acid Chem’s 7th inspection Read more…

Kazakhstan NDT Exhibition April 2015

Kazakh Exhibition Arise Global’s affiliated company M/s Rutledge Oilfield Caspian Ltd participated in “ 1st Kazakhstan International Exhibition” Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics”  in Astana Kazakhstan from 7-9th April 2015 . A working Acoustic Eye Dolphin system was displayed at the booth and attracted large number of interested visitors.” [nggallery id = 8]

News: (1st Qtr 2015)

MISC LNG vessel Puteri Intan Satu boiler tube inspection at MMHE Johor Baru, Malaysia was carried out successfully for Alfa Laval, Singapore Wilmar Natural Oleo’s 2nd inspection was carried out in Malaysia MODECc Ghana carried out their 6th & 7th inspection on their FPSO in Ghana offshore PTRS carried out Read more…