ARISE NDT Techniques & Services

Advanced NDT Techniques
acoustic emission inspection on storage tanks
Acoustic Emission

Acoustic Emission inspection is a non-invasive, in-service predictive asset integrity evaluation method. Helping you to plan in-time, corrective and preventive maintenance strategies.

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APR Acoustic Pulse Reflectometry
Acoustic Pulse Reflectometry Inspection System

Acoustic Pulse Reflectometry (APR) technology, patented by AcousticEye, is an advanced and innovative non-traversing tube and pipe inspection technique giving you the most accurate, reliable and fast inspection results.

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acfm Alternating Current Field Measurement
Alternating Current Field Measurement

ACFM can be used for the detection and sizing of surface breaking cracks either above water or underwater with almost no cleaning requirements.

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RMS Rapid Motion Scanner Corrosion Mapping
Corrosion Mapping

Corrosion and erosion can inflict significant damage upon vessels, tanks and pipework. Due to the risks involved, we offer different solutions to recognize corrosion damage as early as possible assisting planning of your operational maintenance strategy and ensuring safe operation of your plant.

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Digital Radiography inspection
Digital Radiography

This technique utilizes DDAs (Digital Detector Arrays) instead of Film or CR (Computed Radiography) in order to create an instant Image. The Radiation reaches the DDA, which has passed through the object, converted by a Scintillator into visible light and then translated into a digital Image.

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High Temperature Hydrogen Attack

A corrosion or materials specialist, experienced in HTHA, should be consulted for identifying susceptible equipment, selecting inspection locations, and estimating remaining life of equipment in this service.

Inspection techniques for finding advanced stages of HTHA at the surface include WFMT, MT, UT and in-situ metallography (e.g., field metallographic replication).

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MFL Magnetic Flux Leakage
Magnetic Flux Leakage

The storage of dangerous goods in tanks must be done in a safe way In order to reduce the economical as well as the environmental risks, we offer Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) as a quick and a reliable inspection technique for tank bottom.

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LRUT Guided Wave Ultrasonic Testing

When inspection is required for insulated lines, pipes with limited access such as buried, encased inside sleeves or elevated above pipe racks hence LRUT comes as an efficient, fast and cost effective technique.

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PAUT Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing
Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing

The distinguishing feature of the phased array ultrasonic testing is the computer controlled excitation of the individual elements in a multi-elements probe which enable generating a focused ultrasonic beam and allowing the dynamic modification of the beam parameters resulting more accurate and faster scan.

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PEC Pulsed Eddy Current
Pulse Eddy Current

Inspection through insulation opens unexpected opportunities, when removing the insulation to make access to the metal surface to perform inspection is difficult, impractical or costly, we offer the solution to detect the CUI without making contact with the metal surface by using the Advanced PEC.

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RVI Remote Visual Inspection
Remote Visual Inspection​

For internal visual inspection of confined spaces or hazardous locations, high-tech video camera systems are deployed where human entry is impractical, physically impossible or unsafe.

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Short Range UT Flux Leakage
Short Range UT Flux Leakage

The Short Range Guided Wave Ultrasonic Technique (SRUT) was designed to test the annular plate of above ground storage tanks (AST’s) while the tank remains in service. The technique is based on the concept of pulsing guided laminar waves into the base material from the chime area.

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TOFD Time of Flight Diffraction
Time of Flight Diffraction

For the accurate detection and sizing of flaws in new and in-services welds and components, the semi-automated/automated Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) ultrasonic technique is applied.

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heat exchanger tube inspection
Tube Inspection

Inspection of tubular heat exchangers.

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Ultra-Fast Automated Ultrasonic Testing

It leverages advanced techniques such as Ultrafast AUT(Corrosion Mapping), Automated Phased Array, Total Focusing Method TFM, and Time of Flight Diffraction (ToFD) making it suitable for a wide range of applications including vessels, column and piping inspections.

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